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Jake Drake, class clown

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Knock, knock. Who's there? Jake. Jake who? Jake Drake, Class Clown. Miss Bruce is the new student teacher in second grade, and she never smiles. Never. But when Jake cracks up the class during a spelling bee, he sees the tiniest hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth. Suddenly, Jake has a new mission in life: to be so funny that even Miss Bruce will laugh! But then things get out of hand, and Jake finds himself in big trouble. Has Jake discovered -- too late -- that not everybody loves a clown?

Andrew Clements (1949–2019) was the author of the enormously popular?Frindle. More than 10 million copies of his books have been sold, and he was nominated for a multitude of state awards,?including a Christopher Award and an Edgar Award. His popular works include?About Average,?Troublemaker,?Extra Credit, Lost and Found, No Talking, Room One, Lunch Money, and more. He was also the author of the Benjamin Pratt & the Keepers of the School series. Find out more?at

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