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The cat has class!

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內容簡介top The Cat Has Class! 簡介 During a Headline Kids School Show visit to Franklin Elementary Center November 2006, the childrens book authors Martin and Delia Wach talked with the students about writing and illustrating children s books and introduced them to their newest book, An Adventure In Writing. The kids were brain storming about what makes a good subject for a book. Nothing seemed to hit home.During lunch at the school with the students the Wachs mentioned seeing a little house made out of milk cartons outside the school building, and they saw a cat walk into the little house. This opened a floodgate of stories about the cat that would not leave and the rest is history! School officials and teachers found several wonderful adoptive families for the cat and every time the cat made its way back to the school. Finally, a little house was made for the cat outside and she has been a regular visitor ever since, teaching the students to care for animals, pet safety, and how to help others not to mention the rare opportunity to work with published authors and write a national release of their own.

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