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NASA Mars rovers : 1997-2013 (Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity and Curiousity) : an insight into the technology, history, and development of NASA's Mars exploration roving vehicles

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內容簡介top NASA Mars Rovers 1997-2013 簡介 Is there life on Mars? This age-old question has prompted many missions to Mars, with the most recent rover, Curiosity, having safely landed in August 2012 amid a blaze of publicity. This manual covers the development, design and engineering of three generations of Mars rover: Sojourner, which landed in 1997, was the size of a microwave; Spirit and Opportunity, both the size of a shopping cart, followed in 2004; and Curiosity is the size of a car, with a design life of two years. Learn how these machines work as well as what they have found and hope to discover - and look forward to the possibility that humans may yet set foot on the Red Planet.

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