Discusses the basketball team, the Los Angeles Lakers, from their beginnings in 1960 to their current standing in the NBA.
San Antonio Spurs
Brooklyn Nets
Phoenix Suns
New Orleans Pelica ...
Milwaukee Bucks
Orlando Magic
New York Knicks
Minnesota Timberwo ...
Chicago Bulls
DC wizards
Golden state warri ...
Detroit Pistons
Boston Celtics
Willie's wonderful pet (Classroom Set)
棒球小王牌(2) : 快速球與變化球的對決
籃球小王牌(2) : 反敗為勝的關鍵球
棒球小王牌(1) : 充滿爆發力的快速球
Two crazy pigs (Classroom Set)
全民打棒球:會讀會玩!棒球優等生(2) : 教練的秘密武器
籃球小王牌(1) : 命中率百分百的神射手
Cleveland Cavaliers
Smart dad (Classroom Set)
Twin trouble (Classroom Set)
The sea dog (Classroom Set)
Green fingers (Classroom Set)
Gabby's fair (Classroom Set)
Lily and the Wizard Wackoo (Classroom Set)
What a goat! (Classroom Set)
The dog sitter (Classroom Set)
Sticky stuff (Classroom Set)
全民打棒球:會讀會玩!棒球優等生(6) : 出戰全國大賽