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And another thing... : Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, part six of three

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And Another Thing ... will be the sixth novel in the now improbably named Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy. Eight years after the death of its creator, Douglas Adams, the author's widow, Jane Belson, has given her approval for the project to be continued by the international number one bestselling children's writer, Eoin Colfer, author of the Artemis Fowl novels. Douglas Adams himself once said, 'I suspect at some point in the future I will write a sixth Hitchhiker book. Five seems to be a wrong kind of number, six is a better kind of number.' Belson said of Eoin Colfer, 'I love his books and could not think of a better person to transport Arthur, Zaphod and Marvin to pastures new.' Colfer, a fan of Hitchhiker since his schooldays, said, 'Being given the chance to write this book is like suddenly being offered the superpower of your choice. For years I have been finishing this incredible story in my head and now I have the opportunity to do it in the real world.' Prepare to be amazed...

歐恩·科弗(Eoin Colfer)

  譯介超過四十餘國的暢銷書《阿特米斯奇幻歷險》系列作者(角色大多是 人類),其他著作包括The Wish List、The Supernaturalist和由BBC改編為電視劇的《半月偵探》(Half Moon Investigations)系列。作品獲獎無數,包括年度大英童書、年度德國童書等。


   Eoin Colfer is the New York Times best-selling author of the Artemis Fowl series, Airman, Half Moon Investigations, The Supernaturalist, Eoin Colfer's Legend of...books, The Wish List, Benny and Omar, and Benny and Babe. He lives in Ireland with his wife and two children.
