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The night of the gun : a reporter investigates the darkest story of his life, his own

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內容簡介top The Night of the Gun 簡介 The instant New York Times bestseller now in trade paperback: a ompelling tale of drug abuse, despair, and, finally, hope?(Chicago Sun-Times).?Critical and commercial phenomenon: The Night of the Gun hit bestseller lists thanks to a national tour and rave reviews from every major newspaper in the country. magine James Frey A Million Little Pieces on a dose of truth serum, suffuse it with some cynical humor and a good handful of self-depreca- tion, and you get David Carr remarkable and immensely readable memoir,?wrote the New York Post. People magazine gave it three stars, saying ?I>The Night of the Gun is an odyssey youl find hard to forget.?? Lacerating honesty, scrupulous reporting: Many memoirists of dysfunction, addiction, and recovery have told incredible stories?what distinguishes Carr is his credibility. Entertainment Weekly wrote, arr is an undeniably brilliant and dogged journalist, and he written an unforgettable memoir: A.? ?Website: NightofTheGun.com, the ground- breaking, interactive, multimedia website with videos and documents from the book research, was launched with the hardcover and will continue to draw visitors.
