主題:幻想冒險LEVEL:3故事內容: 小搗蛋Max這一天真是頑皮過頭了,媽媽叫他「小野獸」,他卻毫不退讓的大喊:「我要吃掉你!」於是他被罰馬上上床睡覺。然而就在這一夜,奇怪的事情發生了,他坐上Max號,來到真正的野獸國。更奇妙的是,他馴服了可怕的野獸們,還當上他們的國王呢!哈哈哈,真是得意呀!但是,當大家都玩累了的時候,Max卻突然覺得好孤單,好想被照顧,好想回家。這時候,空氣中飄來了晚餐的香味…?這是插畫家Maurice Sendak最具代表性的一本作品,讀者千萬別錯過!適讀年齡:4~6歲
Monsieur Marceau
How much is a mill ...
Math curse
The true story of ...
The Stinky Cheese ...
I talk like a rive ...
It's a bird--
Mole in a black & ...
First the egg
Dog and Bear : two ...
Where the wild thi ...
Outside over there
We are all in the ...
Sergio Aragones' t ...
Oh, the places you ...
The Lorax
The Cat in the Hat
The Cat in the Hat ...
Green eggs and ham
Fox in socks
One fish, two fish ...
How to read literature like a professor : a lively and entertaining guide to reading between the lines
Little Mouse gets ready
Poetry in six dimensions : 20th-century voices
What can I write about? : 7,000 topics for high school students.
You come too : favorite poems for all ages
Bubble gum, bubble gum
The lion & the mouse
The little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungry bear
Owl moon
One hundred hungry ants
Traction Man is here!
Tyranny in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Industrialism in John Steinbeck's The grapes of wrath
The giving tree
Oh, the places you'll go!
Wendel's workshop
The Emperor of Absurdia