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Small steps

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◎ 紐伯瑞文學獎經典金牌作品《洞》Holes續作
  ◎ 紐約時報暢銷書
  ◎ 最勵志的生命故事
  X 光──腦袋裡裝滿鬼點子,因為販賣假毒品而進了綠湖營。
腋窩 Armpit
  本名叫希爾多強森(Theodore Johnson),曾因一桶爆米花而被送到綠湖少年管訓營挖了十四個月的洞。之後回到奧斯丁半工半讀,希望過腳踏實地的人生。最好的朋友是鄰居金妮。
X光 X ray
  本名叫雷克斯艾文華許本(Rex Alvin Washburn),在管訓營時和腋窩是同一組的組員。講話誇張,常動一些歪腦筋。找腋窩合夥做黃牛生意,結果引起軒然大波。
凱拉德力恩 Kaira DeLeon
  本名叫凱西史皮爾斯(Kathy Spears),是當紅偶像歌手,演唱會門票一票難求。身邊隨時有保鑣保護,衣食無缺,卻十分渴望自由。
金妮麥當諾 Ginny McDonald
櫻桃蓮恩 Cherry Lane
獃子保鏢佛萊德 Doofus Fred
艾爾天才 El Genius
愛玲 Aileen
SMALL STEPS is a contemporary young adult novel from Louis Sachar, the New York Times bestselling author of the Newbery Award-winning smash hit phenomenon book and movie/DVD sensation Holes, and The Cardturner.
Two years after being released from Camp Green Lake, Armpit is home in Austin, Texas, trying to turn his life around. But it's hard when you have a record and everyone expects the worst from you. The only person who believe in Armpit is Ginny, his ten-year-old disabled neighbor. Together, they are learning to take small steps.
Armpit seems to be on the right path until X-Ray, a buddy from Camp Green Lake, comes up with a get-rich-quick scheme. X-Ray's plan leads to a chance encounter with teen pop sensation Kaira DeLeon, the Beyonc of her time, and suddenly Armpit's life spins out of control. Only one thing is certain: he'll never be the same again.
Combining his signature wit with a unique blend of adventure and deeply felt characters, Sachar explores issues of race, the nature of celebrity, the invisible connections that shape a person's life, and what it takes to stay the course. Doing the right thing is never a wrong choice--but always a small step in right direction.

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