In the classic tradition of Disney's animated feature films, the first Winnie the Pooh theatrical feature in the twenty-three years weaves magical storytelling, charming characters and memorable songs into an enchanting tale of adventure and friendship. As it happens, everybody - Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore,Roo, Rabbit, Owl - is busy preparing a suitable winter home for Eeyore. When everthing they do seems to get undone by Tigger's exuberant bouncing, Rabbit suggests Tigger goes outside and finds other tiggers to bounce with - a notion Tigger finds ridiculous because, after all, he's journey to find his family. The Tigger Movie is filled with joy and wonder of what it means to be a family - and that families come in all shapes and sizes. Enriched with seven delightful Winnie the Pooh songs, this humorous and touching film will bounce right into your heart.