主題:韻文/冒險LEVEL:1故事內容: 在美好的一天,一家人出發去獵熊了!他們無畏無懼,越過重重的險阻,經過風暴、森林和山洞,他們終於找到了熊…… 這本小書不僅生動地描述了一家人健行獵熊的經過,更以韻文的方式栩栩如生地將路途上的聲響給演的活靈活現。不論踏在泥濘上,踩在水中,都如此生動有趣。孩子們一定會喜歡上這本獵熊又被熊追的可愛童書。適讀年齡:0-3歲
When I'm Big
Where's Rusty?
What Use Is A Moos ...
When Sheep Can Not ...
Who's afraid of th ...
What!Cried Granny
Wemberly worried
Whistle For Willie
The Wind In The Wi ...
When Agnes Caws
The Popcorn Shop (Classroom Set)
The Stubborn Pumpkin (Classroom Set)
Football Friends (Classroom Set)
The lunch line (Classroom Set)
Time to sleep (Classroom Set)
The Witch Goes to School (Classroom Set)
The blind men and the elephant (Classroom Set)
The Frog Prince (Classroom Set)
The tortoise and the hare : an Aesop's fable (Classroom Set)
Roller Skates (Classroom Set)
My home (Classroom Set)
The biggest fish (Classroom Set)
The Day the Sheep showed Up (Classroom Set)
Wild, wild hair (Classroom Set)
Germs! Germs! Germs! (Classroom Set)
Grow!About bears (Classroom Set)
The dreamkeeper (Classroom Set)
A mouse told his mother (Classroom Set)
The gardener (Classroom Set)
The magic school bus lost in the solar system (Classroom Set)