《什麼都能賣! 貝佐斯如何締造亞馬遜傳奇》、《Uber與Airbnb憑什麼翻轉世界》作者 布萊德.史東 最新著作貝佐斯如何創造全球電商霸主Amazon!?多年前,我們穿過一扇單向門走進貝佐斯所構思、建立的科技社會如今,我們已經生活在他的亞馬遜帝國裡這是一位執行長的故事:他有豐富的想像力和好奇心,能不斷開拓新產品,為顧客創造驚喜;他有不妥協的執行力,能帶領、鞭策他的團隊,化夢想為獲利。這也是一家科技公司的故事:大型企業因規模而生的種種弊端,它似乎完全免疫。它善於在巔峰裡再開新局,在新局裡再創巔峰。即使面對種種障礙和打擊,也能在短短十年內變得所向無敵。在本書中,史東深入而生動地描繪一家零售新創事業如何演化為一個叱吒全球經濟、呼風喚雨的企業集團。史東採訪亞馬遜現任及離職的經理人和員工,也訪問主管機關和批評者,從各個角度呈現亞馬遜在過去十年間的發展裡,內部巨變如何促成驚人的創新,一些失策如何引發大眾、合作伙伴的反感,以及後來尋找第二總部時遭遇的波折。史東也探究貝佐斯本人的演變:一開始是埋頭苦幹、創造亞馬遜的科技怪才,後來變為身形強健、自律、充滿全球野心的億萬富豪。他以鐵腕統治亞馬遜,即使八卦雜誌大肆報導他的私生活,他也絲毫不受影響。隨著亞馬遜帝國的擴張,這本書也描述到貝佐斯如何逐漸抽離亞馬遜的日常營運,專注於亞馬遜之外的許多興趣,並宣布他卸下執行長一職、轉任執行董事長的重大轉變。本書以詳盡、深入幕後的資訊,及時地為我們講述當代這個重要而精采的企業故事,帶領讀者完整了解貝佐斯和現代人已經離不開的亞馬遜帝國。本中文書介出自《貝佐斯新傳: 無極限! 巔峰中再創新局的亞馬遜帝國》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司出版From the bestselling author of The Everything Store, an unvarnished picture of Amazon’s unprecedented growth and its billionaire founder, Jeff Bezos, revealing the most important business story of our time.Almost ten years ago, Bloomberg journalist Brad Stone captured the rise of Amazon, an internet pioneer quietly changing the way we shop online, in his bestseller The Everything Store. But ever since, Amazon has expanded exponentially, inventing novel products like Alexa and disrupting countless industries, while its workforce has quintupled in size and its valuation has soared to well over a trillion dollars. Jeff Bezos’s empire, once housed in a garage, now spans the globe. Between services like Whole Foods, Prime Video, and Amazon’s cloud computing unit, AWS, plus Bezos’s ownership of The Washington Post, it’s impossible to go a day without encountering its impact. We live in a world run, supplied, and controlled by Amazon and its iconoclast founder.In Amazon Unbound, Brad Stone presents a deeply reported, vividly drawn portrait of how a retail upstart became one of the most powerful and feared entities in the global economy. With unprecedented access to current and former executives, employees, regulators, and critics, Stone shows how seismic changes inside the company over the past decade led to dramatic innovations, as well as to missteps that turned public sentiment against its sharp-elbowed business practices and gameshow treatment of its search for a second headquarters.Stone also probes the evolution of Bezos himself—who started as a geeky technologist totally devoted to building Amazon, but who transformed to become a fit, disciplined billionaire with global ambitions; who ruled Amazon with an iron fist, even as he found his personal life splashed over the tabloids. As his empire expands, the book investigates how Bezos gradually pulled away from day-to-day activities at Amazon to focus on his many interests outside of it, announcing his momentous transition from CEO to executive chairman.Definitive, timely, and revelatory, Stone has provided an unvarnished portrait of a man and company that we couldn’t imagine modern life without.
Brad Stone
Brad Stone is senior executive editor of global technology at Bloomberg News. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon, which has been translated into over thirty-five languages, and The Upstarts: Uber, Airbnb, and the Battle for the New Silicon Valley. He has covered Silicon Valley for more than twenty years and lives in the San Francisco Bay area.