一旦翻開這本書,你將無法停止閱讀……走進《怪書研究室》像是展開一場穿越文學史的旅程,它帶領你橫跨東西方及不同宗教的驚奇之旅。與作者一起尋找有史以來最奇特的書籍,揭開其創作背後眾多不可思議的神秘故事……▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼📒 跳脫以紙張為材料的文字奇觀:「非書之書」繡在衣服、刻在碗裡、包裹木乃伊的亞麻布,甚至是起司作成的《二十片美國起司》……📒 天上飛的、地上爬的、水裡游,就連人血也不放過:「血肉之書」2000年出版的《血古蘭》厚達605頁,聽說總共用掉海珊25公升的鮮血製成……📒 集結古代各式偽書,看看精心勾織的謊言是如何鋪陳:「文學騙局」英國作家的《艾薩克.畢克史塔夫的預言》一推出,讓整座城市的人都相信某個他討厭的假先知已經提早死掉。一本假的藏書目錄《J.N—A福薩斯伯爵先生圖書館的珍稀藏書目錄》居然可以在百年後的今日拍賣出近臺幣45萬高價!📒 從袖珍書到巨無霸,匯集全世界的不思議書籍:「尺寸之最」《世界上最小的書》,大小為0.24 X 0.29公分,是史上出版過「最小的書」。《美國鳥類圖鑑》,是拍賣史上「最貴的書」之一,大小為99 X 66公分,此書的特別之處在於,書中鳥類都是按照實際大小繪製。《摯愛的祖國》是「最重的書」,此書重達7.5噸,整本書有2.1公尺厚,想讀的人根本就沒辦法翻頁,堪稱「巨無霸之書」。以上例舉的奇書們,只是《怪書研究室》的冰山一角,更多稀奇古怪的書籍與故事,正等待著你翻開此書大開眼界!【本書簡介】本書收藏來自世界各地古怪且荒謬的書籍,其中許多已被世人所遺忘,像是用血肉寫成的書、殺人之書、惡作劇的書、肉眼看不見的書,甚至是內容長到足以可以摧毀宇宙的書,透過百幅珍貴照片,一探這些怪奇書稿背後的神秘故事,展開對於「書」的更多想像空間。【本書特色】💡 羅列10大分類顛覆想像卻又真實存在的書籍。💡 10大分類主題獨立,想從哪一類看都沒問題。💡 300張精緻插圖,帶領讀者透過書頁品味魔幻一瞬的文學及視覺饗宴。💡 書中介紹的每本書都是一個個令人驚呼的故事,甚至是天大的謊言。💡 但要有心理準備──一旦開始,就會停不下來!本中文書介出自《怪書研究室: 人皮書、殺人書、和書結婚、內容多到摧毀宇宙的書......從這些珍奇書稿探索史上最獵奇的真實故事》墨刻出版股份有限公司出版This fascinating and bizarre collection compiles the most unusual, obscure books from the far reaches of the human imagination throughout history.
From the author of the critically acclaimed bestsellers The Phantom Atlas and The Sky Atlas comes a unique and beautifully illustrated journey through the history of literature. The Madman's Library delves into its darkest territories to hunt down the oddest books and manuscripts ever written, uncovering the intriguing stories behind their creation.
From the Qur'an written in the blood of Saddam Hussein, to the gorgeously decorated fifteenth-century lawsuit filed by the Devil against Jesus, to the most enormous book ever created, The Madman's Library features many long forgotten, eccentric, and extraordinary volumes gathered from around the world.
Books written in blood and books that kill, books of the insane and books that hoaxed the globe, books invisible to the naked eye and books so long they could destroy the Universe, books worn into battle and books of code and cypher whose secrets remain undiscovered. Spell books, alchemist scrolls, wearable books, edible books, books to summon demons, books written by ghosts, and more all come together in the most curiously strange library imaginable.
Featuring hundreds of remarkable images and packed with entertaining facts and stories to discover, The Madman's Library is a captivating compendium perfect for bibliophiles, literature enthusiasts, and collectors intrigued by bizarre oddities, obscure history, and the macabre.
• MUST-HAVE FOR BOOKLOVERS: Anyone who appreciates a good read will love delving into this weird world of books and adding this collection to their own bookshelf.
• DISCOVER SOMETHING TRULY UNIQUE: The Madman's Library will let you in on the secret and obscure histories of the strangest books ever made.
• EXPERT AUTHOR: Edward Brooke-Hitching is the son of an antiquarian book dealer, a lifelong rare book collector, and a master of taking visual deep dives into unusual historical subjects, such as the maps of imaginary geography in The Phantom Atlas or ancient pathways through the stars in The Sky Atlas.
Edward Brooke-Hitching is the author of beautifully illustrated non-fiction titles, such as The Phantom Atlas and The Sky Atlas. A writer for the hit BBC television show QI and a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society, Edward lives in a dusty heap of old books and maps in London.