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Jazz loves being on the track team! And her dad is her biggest fan -- maybe too big a fan. He argues with the coach, yells at the ref, and screams his head off at every meet. Jazz loves her dad, but can she keep him from having a full blown track attack? The latest book in the GYM SHORTS series finishes ahead of the pack and will keep early readers cheering.

Jazz loves being on the track team! And her dad is her biggest fan -- maybe too big a fan. He argues with the coach, yells at the ref, and screams his head off at every meet. Jazz loves her dad, but can she keep him from having a full blown track attack? The latest book in the GYM SHORTS series finishes ahead of the pack and will keep early readers cheering. Betty Hicks is the author of four previous GYM SHORTS books: Basketball Bats, Goof-Off Goalie, Swimming with Sharks, and Scaredy-Cat Catcher. Her previous sports books are Busted! and I Smell Like Ham. She lives in Greensboro, North Carolina.

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