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Written to sharpen all the skills central to IB assessment, this focused study-tool thoroughly addresses all assessment areas of the 2008 syllabus at SL and HL. Including a full section on source analysis and packed with strategies for tackling assessment tasks, this book supports exceptional achievement.· Develop all the core skills - activities and exercises around note-taking, effective reading, referencing and working with sources - all in an exam context - will strengthen students’ potential· Relate skills-development to assessment - so students know how to apply their learning and fully demonstrate their skills in exams· Support students with the extended essay - a dedicated chapter includes skills-based practice on essay writing, refining research, collating evidence, source evaluation, guidance on IB marking criteria and more· Covers each part of the IA in detail - support for introduction, summary of evidence, evaluation of sources, analysis, conclusion and worked cited lists will strengthen achievement in this area· Ensure creativity and critical thought - a chapter on TOK covers this critical aspect, helping you develop reflective, independent and outward-looking learners· Demonstrate exam standards - numerous student samples, examiner hints and comments will help students understand what to expectAbout the Series:IB Skills & Practice books are designed to provide IB students with a step-by-step approach to practicing the skills needed for success on exams. Oxford’s IB Skills & Practice books are packed with guidance, assessment support, and practical tasks. Aligned with current syllabuses these indispensable books are a must-have for all IB students.

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