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The Mouse Island Marathon

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I admit it. I'm not much of a muscle mouse. So when I accidentally got signed up for the Mouse Island Marathon, I was so shocked that I lost my squeak! Me, run a marathon? But my friends and family were determined to help me cross that finish line. Holey cheese, I was never going to make it!馬拉松足足有4萬米,而且沿途困難多多:沙暴、冰雪、地震、洪水……甚至闖出一隻殺氣騰騰的惡貓!不僅如此,比賽中有老鼠生病、有母子失散,還有小偷行竊!雖然Geronimo做好了賽前準備,可是他能應付突如其來的危險嗎?在高手如雲的賽場上,最終竟出現了戲劇性的一幕,那是甚麼呢?

I admit it. I'm not much of a muscle mouse. So when I accidentally got signed up for the Mouse Island Marathon, I was so shocked that I lost my squeak! Me, run a marathon? But my friends and family were determined to help me cross that finish line. Holey cheese, I was never going to make it!馬拉松足足有4萬米,而且沿途困難多多:沙暴、冰雪、地震、洪水……甚至闖出一隻殺氣騰騰的惡貓!不僅如此,比賽中有老鼠生病、有母子失散,還有小偷行竊!雖然Geronimo做好了賽前準備,可是他能應付突如其來的危險嗎?在高手如雲的賽場上,最終竟出現了戲劇性的一幕,那是甚麼呢? GERONIMO STILTON is the publisher of The Rodent's Gazette, Mouse Island's most famouse newspaper. In his spare time, Mr. Stilton enjoys collecting antique cheese rinds, playing golf, and telling stories to his nephew Benjamin. He lives in New Mouse City, Mouse Island. Visit Geronimo online at

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