■《神偷少女》系列第一集甫推出就衝上《紐約時報》暢銷榜 ■ 華納影業天價買下電影版權,女星茱兒芭蒂摩擔任導演兼製片。 ■ 海外版權銷售十餘國。
傳說中價值連城的「埃及豔后的綠寶石」, 是至死不渝的定情信物—— 還是麻煩纏身的百年詛咒?
三歲那年,小凱的老爸帶她去羅浮宮,不是去參觀,而是去偷價值連城的藝術品。七歲,她跟叔公艾迪去奧地利,不是去觀光,而是去偷皇家珠寶。十五歲那年,她的爸爸被控洗劫黑手黨老大的珍藏藝術品,為了洗刷老爸的冤屈,她策劃了史上最強的偷竊案,在國際刑警的監控與黑幫老大的追擊之下,把藝術品從高明的神偷手上再偷出來……(故事詳情,請見《神偷少女 第一案:老爸,你的清白就靠我了》)
第一, 這塊寶石即將在世界上最著名(也最嚴密)的珠寶店中展出。 第二, 自古以來,這塊寶石便聲名狼藉,所有人得到它後都要失去它。 第三, 這塊寶石……被詛咒了……
Katarina Bishop has worn a lot of labels in her short life. Friend. Niece. Daughter. Thief. But for the last two months she’s simply been known as the girl who robbed the greatest museum in the world. That’s why Kat isn’t surprised when she’s asked to steal the infamous Cleopatra Emerald so it can be returned to its rightful owners.
There are only three problems. First, the gem is owned by the most secure auction house in the world. Second, since the fall of the Egyptian empire and the suicide of Cleopatra, no one who holds the emerald keeps it for long, and in Kat’s world, history almost always repeats itself. But it’s the third problem that makes Kat’s crew the most nervous and that is simply… the emerald is cursed.
Kat might be in way over her head, but she’s not going down without a fight. After all she has her best friend—the gorgeous Hale—and the rest of her intrepid crew with her as they chase the Cleopatra around the world, realizing that the same tricks and cons her family has used for centuries are useless this time.
Which means, this time, Katarina Bishop is making up her own rules.
Critics and fans alike have fallen for Heist Society (no conning necessary). With more mystery, non-stop action, romance and humor, this second novel in the hit series is just as irresistible.
★本書中譯版《神偷少女 第2案:埃及豔后,該詛咒的人不是我》由三采出版。
艾莉.卡特(Ally Carter)
紐約時報暢銷書《說愛你就要殺死你》(I’d Tell You I Love You But Then I’ll Have to Kill You),《人不偵察枉少年》(Only the Good Spy Young),《別被女孩外表騙》(Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover)的作者。她的作品登上紐約時報、今日美國、華爾街日報、邦諾書店等各大排行榜,並且已經被翻譯至20個國家。目前居住奧克拉荷馬州,全職寫作。
Ally Carter is the New York Times best-selling author of Heist Society and the Gallagher Girls series, including I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You; Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy; Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover; and Only the Good Spy Young. She lives in Oklahoma, where she’s busy masterminding her next big heist. Visit Ally online at www.allycarter.com.