Large, dramatic photographs of a variety of ants and a brief fact–filled text will fascinate developing readers. Level 2 includes longer sentences with richer vocabulary, type set line to line to aid readability, varied photographic treatments, and brief chapters with simple illustrated diagrams and a glossary. Special features include How Big?, Take a Close Look, Did You Know?, Words to Know, Fun Facts and full color photographs, as well as a full page, simply labeled diagram showing body parts.
Large, dramatic photographs of a variety of ants and a brief fact–filled text will fascinate developing readers. Level 2 includes longer sentences with richer vocabulary, type set line to line to aid readability, varied photographic treatments, and brief chapters with simple illustrated diagrams and a glossary. Special features include How Big?, Take a Close Look, Did You Know?, Words to Know, Fun Facts and full color photographs, as well as a full page, simply labeled diagram showing body parts.