A classic nonsense folktale follows the journey of the scatterbrained Henny Penny and her friends Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey, as they race to inform the king that the sky is falling. Reprint.
幼兒英語拼讀系列3A : The Short Vowels Aq.Ee.Ii
I am lost(K. Library)
The little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungry bear
The Gingerbread man
Key words with ladybird--1a : play with us
I am not a dinosaur(K Library)
Phonics Kids : 3B 點讀版
Markets(K. Library)
I'm a caterpillar(K. Library)
Land of the Dinosaurs : Orange3
This is the place for me
The Hare and the Tortoise.
Pirate Adventure : Green6
Goldilocks and the three bears
The gingerbread man
What Do Insects Do(K. Library)
ABC, I like me!
Where Do Insects Live(K. Library)
How have I grown?