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Clementine is having not so good of a week.On Monday she's sent to the principal's office for cutting off Margaret's hair. Tuesday, Margaret's mother is mad at her. Wednesday, she's sent to the principal?again. Thursday, Margaret stops speaking to her. Friday starts with yucky eggs and gets worse. And by Saturday, even her mother is mad at her. Okay, fine. Clementine is having a DISASTROUS week.

Sara Pennypacker was a painter before becoming a writer, and has two absolutely fabulous children who are now grown. She has written several books, including Clementine, The Talented Clementine, and Clementine’s Letter, illustrated by Marla Frazee; Stuart’s Capeand Stuart Goes to School, both illustrated by Martin Matje, and Dumbstruck. Sara lives in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Marla Frazee did the illustrations for the first two books in the Clementine series. She is author/illustrator of Walk On!, Santa Claus the World’s Number One Toy Expert, and Roller Coaster. She is also the illustrator of The Seven Silly Eaters, Everywhere Babies, and a bunch of other books. Marla works in a small backyard cabin under an avocado tree in Pasadena, California.
