梵谷 : Van Gogh
達利 : Dali
沃霍爾 : Warhol
賀諾瓦 : Renoir
莫內 : Monet
林布蘭 : Rembrandt
塞尚 : Cezanne
夏卡爾 : Chagall
康丁斯基 : Kandinsky
高更 : Gauguin
舍哈 : Seurat
Learning Tools : Houghton Mifflin Math,Grade K
The Day the Sheep showed Up (Classroom Set)
Roller Skates (Classroom Set)
Two crazy pigs (Classroom Set)
More or less a Mess (Classroom Set)
Chomp!A book about sharks (Classroom Set)
The man who wore all his clothes (Classroom Set)
Five funny frights(Classroom Set)
The fattest, tallest, biggest snowman ever (Classroom Set)
Dinosaur Hunters
Harold and the Purple Crayon
What the Dinosaurs Saw
The carrot seed
How Are You Peeling? : Foods with Moods
Clifford the big red dog : The show-and-tell surprise
Engine, Engine, Number Nine
Say "cheese!"
Superman's First Flight
Octopus under the sea