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The polar bear

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A gorgeously illustrated nonfiction book about the polar bear, this is a factually accurate as well as a poetic exploration of polar bear bodies, habits, and habitats. Working in a painterly, expressive way, Jenni Desmond creates landscapes and creatures that are marked by atmosphere and emotion, telling a story about bears that engages the reader's interest in amazing facts as well as their deep sense of wonder. A graduate of the renowned MA program in Children's Book Illustration at the Cambridge School of Art (ARU), Jenni Desmond works from her studio in London, UK. This, her second book for Enchanted Lion, will be followed by one about elephants.


  A graduate of the renowned MA program in Children's Book Illustration at the Cambridge School of Art (ARU), Jenni works from her studio in London, UK. She uses collage, paint, and colored pencils to create her artwork, which she then scans and edits by computer. Jenni strives to make her illustrations entertaining, beautiful, and funny in equal measure. Her first picture book, Red Cat, Blue Cat, won the Cambridgeshire "Read it Again" Picture Book Award in 2013.

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