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The short stories by O. Henry

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本書選錄了歐亨利十一篇最膾炙人口的短篇小說,有<聖誕禮物>(The Gift of the Magi)、<二十年後>(After Twenty Years)、<警察與讚美詩>(The Cop and the Anthem)及<最後一片藤葉>(The Last Leaf)等佳作。
  O. Henry, whose real name was William Sydney Porter, was born in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1862. He spent his youth in Greensboro working as a drug store clerk, and then for a time lived in Texas, working on ranches in banks and on newspapers. He was imprisoned for embezzlement for three years, during which time he first began to write his short stories which were to make him famous. Shortly after he came out of prison, he moved to New York where he started to write in earnest.
  His best-known stories are of New York and the ordinary people who fill the streets. He once said, “I would like to live a lifetime on each street in New York. Every house has a drama in it. “He was forty years old when he first lived in New York, and for the next eight years until he died in 1910, he wrote constantly of the New York scene.
  He was master of the short story art; he would sit at the window of his room near Madison Square in New York watching the passing parade. He then wove his tales around the homeless strays, the lowly waitresses and shop girls, the policeman, the drunk, the storekeeper, the grifter and the tart. He found fantasy and romance in the everyday, commonplace happening of his “Bagh-dad-on-the Subway.”
  His short stories form a vital part of American literature.
O. Henry 歐亨利 (1862 ~ 1910)
  出身於美國,原名威廉.西德尼.波特(William Sydney Porter),是美國現代著名的短篇小說家之一。當過藥房學徒、牧牛人、會計員、銀行出納員等。在1896年任職的銀行,因被控盜用資金而判刑,在獄中開始寫短篇小說,並透過朋友寄往雜誌社發表,以「歐亨利」為筆名。1901年提前獲釋後,遷居紐約,專心於短篇小說的創作。一共發表了近三百篇,其中不少佳作以紐約為場景,可以說他是一位專為市井小民寫作的大作家。其作品構思新穎、語言詼諧,結局常常出人意外,使讀者驚愕之餘,又不得不承認故事合情合理,讓人回味無窮。

IntroductionThe Gift of the MagiAfter Twenty YearsThe Cop and the AnthemThe Love-Philtre of Ikey SchoensteinThe Romance of a Busy BrokerA Retrieved ReformationThe Duplicity of HargravesTwo Thanksgiving Day GentlemenThe Last LeafThe Green DoorOne Thousand Dollars

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