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Yoga whale : simple poses for little ones

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Yoga Whale悠遊幼兒瑜珈   身心靈平衡遊戲‧體驗親子互動的美好時刻!


  爸媽可以邀請孩子一同看看另一頁插圖上的章魚,「現在躺下來,想像自己就是那隻有好多觸手、開心的章魚,在大海裡游啊游……輕輕揮動你的手腳eight hellos to you and me!」示範動作讓孩子模仿的同時,也帶入簡易的英文短句。


  Let's take a "deep dive" into yoga! This delightful board book invites children ages 0–4 to join in a healthy and fun series of easy yoga poses. Ten friendly sea creatures show the way. The book also includes complete yoga instructions for parents and caretakers.
Let's take a "deep dive" into yoga!

  This delightful board book invites children ages 0–4 to join in a fun series of easy yoga poses. Whale, Jellyfish, Dolphin, Starfish, and six more friendly sea creatures show the way.

  Yoga Whale, the third offering in our bestselling yoga board book series, keeps the healthy fun going. Includes complete yoga instructions for parents and caretakers.

Sarah Jane HinderSarah Jane Hinder, illustrator, creates acrylic artwork for a variety of children’s books, including Good Morning Yoga, The Three Little Pigs, and The Elves and the Shoemaker. She lives in Manchester, England, with her husband and two chihuahuas. See sarahjanehinder.com.
