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The Baby-Sitters Club : Mary Anne Saves the Day

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Three decades after The Baby-Sitters Club first rocked our world—like scoring your own phone line, in your room!—the beloved franchise is back to binge (and share) like never before!In the most exciting news since we first learned of Kristy Thomas’s great idea to start the Baby-Sitters Club, the book series is now available only from Audible as an audio experience with special guest narrator Elle Fanning, the multi-talented actress and fan of BSC.With endearing characters and enduring storylines filled with lessons of self-discovery, the beauty of true friendship, and the power of youth-led entrepreneurship itself, the BSC has never felt more now. So, whether you’re joining the club for the first time, or the first time in quite a while, spend time with stories that transcend the ages. Gather up the kids—not to mention those nieces, nephews, and neighbors alike—for all the twists, turns, hilarity, and burns of tween life in Stoneybrook, Connecticut!Mary Anne has never been a leader of the BSC. So when a fight breaks out among the club's four members, Mary Anne feels a little lost, unable to depend on Kristy, Stacey, or Claudia anymore. Sitting by herself in the cafeteria is bad enough; when Mary Anne has to baby-sit a sick child without any help from the club, she knows someone has to take action. It's time for Mary Anne to step in and save the day!The best friends you'll ever have—with classic BSC covers and a letter from Ann M. Martin!

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