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Giggle, Giggle, Quack

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  When clever Duck tampers with the instructions Farmer Brown has left for his brother Bob to follow, chaos and hilarity ensues, in a rollicking companion to the Caldecott Honor Book, Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type. 200,000 first printing.

Giggle, giggle,quack,

  Farmer Brown is going on vacation. He asks his brother, Bob, to take care of the animals. ”But keep an eye on Duck. He’s trouble.”

  Bob follows the instructions in Farmer Brown’s notes exactly. He orders pizza with anchovies for the hens, bathes the pigs with bubble bath, and lets the cows choose a movie.

Is that giggling he hears?

Giggle, giggle,

quack, giggle, moo,

giggle, oink...

  The duck, the cows, the hens, and the pigs are back in top form in this hilarious follow-up to the beloved Caldecott Honor Book Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type.

朵琳•克羅寧(Doreen Cronin)



貝西•賴文 (Betsy Lewin)

  曾為許多童書繪製插畫,包括溫索普Elizabeth Winthrop的Dumpy La Rue和魏克絲Sarah Weeks的Two Eggs, please,並以《喀哩,喀啦,哞,會打字的牛》一書榮獲凱迪克大獎。貝西賴文現與先生泰德和兩隻貓定居紐約布魯克林。

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