Learning about the world of fractions has never been so messy in a book using two siblings and a pizza to illustrate how important fractions are in school and in everyday life. Simultaneous.
幼兒英語拼讀系列3A : The Short Vowels Aq.Ee.Ii
Sara's seed
Phonics Kids : 3B 點讀版
The ball game
Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!
When Pigasso met Mootisse
All tutus should be pink
The little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungry bear
Henny Penny
Wake me in Spring(K. Library)
I am planet Earth
Toby's silly faces
I'm a caterpillar(K. Library)
Frankenstein's cat
One snowy day(K. Library)
Where Do Insects Live(K. Library)
Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!
There's A Wocket In My Pocket!
Pigs on the Move : Fun with Math and Travel
Bubble Trouble(K Library)