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Howl's moving castle

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日本動畫大師宮崎駿新作《霍爾的移動城堡》改編自英國兒童文學作家Diana Wynne Jones小說《Howl\’s Moving Castle》,電影賣座,1986年出版的原著小說擠進暢銷作品之列。  十八歲少女Sophie受到巫婆的詛咒,一夕之間變成了老態龍鍾的老婆婆。不能說出秘密的Sophie,在尋求破解詛咒的路上,進入了年輕魔法師Howl移動的城堡裡當上清潔婦。在這個可以任意穿越時空的城堡裡,有個和Howl簽了協定可以驅動城堡的火精靈Calcifer,它和Sophie約定好,只要Sophie找出當初不為人知的協定,Calcifer就幫Sophie打破詛咒,變回原來十八歲的少女模樣。  霍爾的移動城堡,說的是個愛情的故事。不知名的戰爭是背景,像秘密警察又像是機器人的特種部隊,在連聲轟炸及火光裡,配上魔法和幾個有趣的不得了的人物──像是胖的走不動的「浪費女巫」、能力很強又受限於Howl的火精靈Calcifer,還有Howl的小徒弟、單腳彈跳不會說話的稻草人──交織成一個迷離的世界。
In the land of Ingary, such things as spells, invisible cloaks, and seven-league boots were everyday things. The Witch of the Waste was another matter.After fifty years of quiet, it was rumored that the Witch was about to terrorize the country again. So when a moving black castle, blowing dark smoke from its four thin turrets, appeared on the horizon, everyone thought it was the Witch. The castle, however, belonged to Wizard Howl, who, it was said, liked to suck the souls of young girls.The Hatter sisters--Sophie, Lettie, and Martha--and all the other girls were warned not to venture into the streets alone. But that was only the beginning.In this giant jigsaw puzzle of a fantasy, people and things are never quite what they seem. Destinies are intertwined, identities exchanged, lovers confused. The Witch has placed a spell on Howl. Does the clue to breaking it lie in a famous poem? And what will happen to Sophie Hatter when she enters Howl''s castle?Diana Wynne Jones''s entrancing fantasy is filled with surprises at every turn, but when the final stormy duel between the Witch and the Wizard is finished, all the pieces fall magically into place.

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